Let's see how to disable overriding.
Very simple. Use the final keyword before any accessor restrictions on methods that will prevent overriding.
final access modifier function method name(){}
Let's use the overriding example we learned earlier and add the final keyword.
<?php class GoogleCar { final public function stateOfTheArtAIDrivingSystem() { return "Google AI Driving" ; } } class Car extends GoogleCar { public $wheels; public $doors = 4; protected $color = 4; private $size; private $company; public function stateOfTheArtAIDrivingSystem() { return "AI driving, which adds functionality to existing Google AI driving, uses IOT to connect to all vehicles Blah Blah ~~~~"; } } $ever = new Car; echo $ever->stateOfTheArtAIDrivingSystem(); ?>
I've disabled overriding using the final keyword, but when I call those methods, I get an error.
^^ We learned about the final keyword.
The final keyword can also be used for other purposes.
Used in front of the class has another function. See you next time.