Coding Class

Quizgum : trait abstract

Assigning Rules to Traits

You can specify a method that must be declared in the class that uses the trait.
Same thing with the abstract keyword.

How To Use abstract for trait methods

trait traitname{
    abstract access modifier function method name();

So let's look at an example.

    trait apple
        // must declare likeApple() method
        abstract static function likeApple();

        public static function phone()
            return 'iPhone';

    class disney
        use apple;

    $disney = new disney;


The error occurs because you do not declare the likeApple method in the disney class. The following example declares the likeApple() method.

    trait apple
        //must declare likeApple() method
        abstract static function likeApple();

        public static function phone()
            return 'iPhone';

    class disney
        use apple;

        public function likeApple()
            return 'Disney and Apple are friendly.';

    $disney = new disney;
    echo $disney->likeApple();


We have seen how to use this abstract to create method rules in a trait. ^-^ *