What we created in the previous tutorial is the login form.
This time, let's handle the login process.
I use a session or a cookie to log in.
I use a session, so I'll proceed with the session.
First, let's create a session file.
<?php session_start(); ?>
And now let's create a source that handles login.
<?php include "../include/session.php"; include "../include/dbConnect.php"; $memberId = $_POST['memberId']; $memberPw = sha1($memberPw = $_POST['memberPw']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM member WHERE userId = '{$memberId}' AND password = '{$memberPw}'"; $res = $dbConnect->query($sql); $row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); if($row != null) { $_SESSION['ses_userid'] = $row['userId']; echo "<script>location.href='/myProject/';</script>"; } if($row == null){ echo 'Login failure ID and password do not match'; } ?>
The above sources don't have to be hard at all. It's surprisingly simple.
Put the ID and password in the SELECT statement and divide them according to whether there is a match.
If so, it creates a session. If not, we don't make it.
Then it is the end.
This is really the end. This will create a session and you will be logged in.
This is the logout function. ^^;