Let's learn about ternary operators.
The functionality is similar to the if else statement.
It is composed of three terms and is called ternary operator.
((Condition) ? Execute if condition is true : Execute if condition is false )
Isn't it hard to see how to use the above?
For example:
$number = ((1 == 1) ? 100 : 50)
In the example above, the condition of the ternary operator is 1 == 1. Of course 1 equals 1, so the condition is true.
If true, there is 100. Therefore, 100 is assigned to the value of the variable $number.
For example:
$number = ((1 == 2) ? 100 : 50)
In the example above, the condition of the ternary operator is 1 == 2. Of course 1 is not 2, so the condition is false.
If it is false, there is 50. So 50 is assigned to the value of the variable $number.
Let's find out more with the following example.
<?php for($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++){ $oddEven = (($i % 2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd'); echo "{$i}is {$oddEven}. <br>"; } ?>
Yes Use it in this case. It's convenient because I don't write if else complicatedly. ^^