Coding Class

Quizgum : trait insteadof

Determine the name to use instead of the trait's methods

If you have two traits and two traits have a method with the same name, you can specify which one to use.
The keyword insteadof to specify which method to use.

How To Use insteadof

trait trait name{}
class class name
    use trait name, trait name {
        The name of the trait to use :: method name insteadof the name of the trait to disable;

So let's look at an example..

    trait apple
        public function phone()
            return 'iPhone';

    trait samsung
        public function phone()
            return 'galaxy';

    class disneyAnimation
        use apple, samsung {
            apple::phone insteadof samsung;

    $disney = new disneyAnimation;
    echo "Judith in zootopia ".$disney->phone()." Use it." ;

If you have 3 traits, instead of, write the name of the trait you don't want to use.

insteadof multiple usage

trait trait name{}
class class name
    use trait name, trait name {
        Use trade name ::method name insteadof not be used trade name, not be used trade name;

Try insteadof in multiples with the following example:

    trait apple
        public function phone()
            return 'iPhone';

    trait samsung
        public function phone()
            return 'galaxy';

    trait lg
        public function phone()
            return 'g';

    class disneyAnimation
        use apple, samsung, lg {
            apple::phone insteadof samsung, lg;

    $disney = new disneyAnimation;
    echo "Judith in zootopia ".$disney->phone()." Use it.";

What if you also need to use the phone() method from another trait?
Next time, we'll learn how to use the methods of the same name in different traits.